Company Data

Contact person

Contact for questions (if different from sender)

Pick-up address of the return shipment, if different from company data

Reason for return delivery

Return product 1

Please fill out the appropriate information for the product you wish to return to us. You can use this form to return up to three different products to us. If you wish to return more than three products, please fill out another return form.

Return product 2

Return product 3

Shipping data

Declaration of harmlessness

If the goods have come into contact with dangerous substances that are hazardous to health, they must not be returned to us. Please confirm that the products have not been contaminated.

Consent to Processing of Data

Furthermore, I wish to receive up-to-date information and offers from Schmalz relating to automation and handling technology:

I understand that I can retract my declaration of consent at any time: Withdraw consent.