Vacuum Generators End-of-Arm

The electrical and pneumatic end-of-arm vacuum generators are designed for use on lightweight robots and industrial robots. They are suitable for use in mobile robotics, in fully automated processes with low cycle and evacuation times, and in human-robot collaboration (HRC) environments.

Vacuum Generators ECBPi
Vacuum Generators ECBPi
  • Max. 12 l/min suction rate
  • Max. vacuum: 75 %
Vacuum Generators ECBPi
Intelligent, autonomous and flexible vacuum generation. For use in mobile robotics applications.
Vacuum Generators ECBPMi
Vacuum Generators ECBPMi
  • Suction rate up to 1.6 l/min
  • Max. Vacuum: 60%
  • Integrated IO-Link and RS485 interface
Vacuum Generators ECBPMi
Electric vacuum generator for handling suction-tight workpieces in mobile robotics and MRK environments.
Handling Sets ECBPMi
Handling Sets ECBPMi
  • Set includes vacuum generator, flange, suction cup and connection cable
  • Flexible, replaceable suction cup
  • Suction rate up to 1.6 l/min
  • Max. vacuum: 60 %
Handling Sets ECBPMi
Ready-to-connect handling set for lightweight robots and cobots for autonomous and electrical vacuum generation.
Pneumatic Vacuum Generators RECBi
Pneumatic Vacuum Generators RECBi
  • Suction rate up to 52.5 l/min
  • Max. vacuum: 85 %
  • Lift capacity up to 25 kg
Pneumatic Vacuum Generators RECBi
Pneumatic vacuum generator for end-of-arm (EoA) use in the field of lightweight robotics, on cobots and conventional 6-axis robots up to 25 kg lift capacity.