Universal gripper for handling workpieces regardless of their size, geometry, material and surface in confined spaces. Especially for workpiece removal from racks or transport boxes
Handling of products from different pick up positions
Handling of workpieces with slots
Suitable for fully automated applications
Can also be used on lightweight robots due to the low dead weight of the gripper
Optional for use in clean room and ESD environment
Your Individual Configuration
The vacuum area gripping systems FEL are specially adapted to your applications. Contact us and receive a custom-made offer.
Product Highlights
Low overall height with 16.5 mm base section height enables use in areas with critical interference contours
Low gripper weight, high effective lift capacity and dynamic handling thanks to modular lightweight design
High energy efficiency and low operating costs due to integrated gripper segmentation into individually switchable and controllable zones
High-performance sealing foam with excellent sealing properties and long service life
Sealing foam with quick-change adhesive film for effortless replacement without time-consuming cleaning work
Aluminum base section (1) with lateral T-slots for sensors as well as integrated air guides for supplying the individual gripping zones (maximum 4 zones); different gripper lengths possible
Connection hose couplings (2) for external vacuum generators to supply the individual suction zones
Flanged-on area (3) and integrated suction zones (4)
Sealing plate (5)
Segmentable, low designed universal gripper for energy-efficient handling of different workpieces in confined spaces
Dimensions: 300 x 130 to 800 x 130 mm
Base section height: 16.5 mm
Sealing element: sealing foam
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