중첩 테이블 시스템 용 클램핑 장치

네 스팅 테이블이있는 CNC 머시닝 센터의 MDF 마모 플레이트에 직접 사용하기위한 진공 시스템.

Vacuum Blocks VCBL-G-K1
Vacuum Blocks VCBL-G-K1
  • Vacuum system for nesting machine tables
  • With a hose connection
  • Target value for operating vacuum: -600 mbar
Vacuum Blocks VCBL-G-K1
Vacuum block VCBL-G-K1 for use directly on the MDF wear plate of a CNC machining center with a nesting machine table.
Adapter-Plates AP-G
Adapter-Plates AP-G
  • Vacuum system for nesting machine tables
  • With a hose connection
  • Target value for operating vacuum: -600 mbar
Adapter-Plates AP-G
Adapter-Plate AP-G with vacuum blocks VCBL-B for use directly on the MDF wear plate of a CNC machining center with a nesting machine table.